Give your feet a rest and avoid the lines; have your Father-Daughter Ball photos taken in advance by taking advantage of our "pre-ball" photo scheduling service;
available for Friday and Saturday event times only.
*Our event photographer will be taking photos throughout the ball for all event times.
It is our heart that by scheduling your pre-ball photo appointment, taken on location at the HAPO Center BEFORE the ball, you will spend less time standing in line and more time on the dance floor; because well, isn't that why you attend a ball? We sure think so.
A reminder that the Father-Daughter Ball is a MOM FREE event, meaning
NO MOMS ALLOWED (unless they are attending with their own father), not even for a brief period. Including the time that Pre-Ball Photos are being taken.
To schedule a convenient appointment with our official photographer
Barrett Brown Photography simply click on your desired "photographer" below and "follow the bouncing ball" of instructions (so to speak).
Don't forget to download your Photo Package Order Form
Please remember to provide your COMPLETE AND LEGIBLE CURRENT mailing address, including apartment number, and zip code. Should your photo package be returned to our event photographer due to illegible handwriting, or an incomplete or inaccurate mailing address, you will be contacted for accurate information and your photos will be re-mailed for an additional
$10 processing fee, payable to to our event photographer - without exception.
For questions please EMAIL us at info@fatherdaughterballcctc.com NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!