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Whether this is your first year attending or have been coming for several years, it seems that there are questions attendees have that are common to everyone.
What is the Father-Daughter Ball?  What is its purpose?
The Father-Daughter Ball is an annual Ministry Outreach Event hosted by Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities. This IS NOT a church event and is open to the entire community to attend; however, the gospel message IS shared during a brief presentation as part of the evening. You DO NOT have to be a member of Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities, nor do you have to know someone who attends Calvary Chapel to participate.
The purpose of the evening is quite simple; to provide a environment in which a positive, encouraging, healthy, supportive, and engaging father-daughter relationship can be cultivated and her sense of value and worth established. This type of father-daughter relationship is crucial in a young lady's life. Without this relationship, she will look for validation elsewhere; usually in the most undesirable individuals and activities. It is our heart and mission that our daughters understand their value and worth and that she knows and experiences her father's love. The father she sees in you is how she understands God’s love to be.

How much does it cost to attend?

Tickets for the ball are $40 per father/father figure* while the cost for girls is FREE. It should be noted that is NOT a fundraising effort. 100% of the monies received from ticket sales are used to host the event and support local outreach efforts.

*Father figure is defined as one of the following: step-father, grandfather, uncle, older brother, male youth pastor, male teacher, or trusted male neighbor.
Is the ticket price limited to one dad and one daughter? Do I pay more if I bring two or three daughters?

The cost of a ticket is $40* for the father/father figure*. You can bring as many girls as you’d like for FREE. There is no extra charge for multiple girls.

*Father figure is defined as one of the following:  step-father, grandfather, uncle, older brother, male youth pastor, male teacher, or trusted male neighbor

Is my ticket good for any event?
Regrettably, when purchasing your ticket, you MUST be specific about which evening you are attending; Friday, Saturday Matinee, Saturday Evening, or Sunday. Ticket purchases are good for only ONE event and are NOT transferable from one event to the next.  
What is the age limit for daughters to attend?

The Father-Daughter Ball is open to fathers/father figures* and daughters of all ages. In the past, we have had daughters as young as 2 months.

*If your daughter is an infant and is exclusively nursing we ask that you wait a year and join us next year instead. 

*Father figure is defined as one of the following:  step-father, grandfather, uncle, older brother, male youth pastor, male teacher, or trusted male neighbor
What if I don’t have a daughter? Can I bring my niece or another special young girl in my life?
The event is open to fathers and/or father figures* and their “special” daughters. If you have a young lady in your life whom you have taken into your heart – then, by all means, BRING her to the ball.  Regrettably, there are too many young ladies in our community who for circumstances beyond her control, do not have a father/father-figure present in the home. She shouldn’t be denied the opportunity to feel like a princess and be treated as the precious jewel that she is because of it – so YES, YES, YES, invite this precious young lady to be your special “date” for the night.

*Father figure is defined as one of the following:  step-father, grandfather, uncle, older brother, male youth pastor, male teacher, or trusted male neighbor.
Can I bring my teen-aged son to help me keep track of my daughters throughout the course of the evening?

We would strongly encourage you to enlist the help of a friend and/or older male family member as teenaged boys ARE NOT welcome for the evening.  Let’s face it, girls are girls and while your girls won’t think anything about your son being present; this won’t be the case for the other teenaged girls that are present for the evening. PLEASE respect the spirit of the evening by finding another adult male to assist you. Be advised however that any additional males brought to assist you will require that another ticket be purchased.
I am a mother | grandmother of an attending father and daughter. Can I come and stand on the sidelines to observe?
While we appreciate your enthusiasm and curiosity for this event – MOTHERS and GRANDMOTHERS ARE NOT PERMITTED – NOT EVEN BRIEFLY.  Sorry ladies – this night is about your husband's and daughter's relationship; it’s not about you. We’re sure you wouldn’t appreciate your daughter tagging along on your anniversary night out with your husband – so let’s not infringe on her night out either.
Can I buy a ticket and bring my wife?
While we are steadfast supporters of husbands and wives having “date nights”, this IS NOT the forum for such an evening. This evening is about establishing and building a positive, healthy, loving, and supportive relationship with your daughter. There are 364 other nights of the year to devote to dating your wife and working on your marriage.

What if my daughter is an infant and is nursing, can my wife come then?
We appreciate that you desire to start this annual tradition with your daughter, regrettably, we must ask that if your daughter is nursing and your wife cannot send you with an adequate supply of milk, you refrain from attending this year and wait until next year when you can attend without your wife's presence. 
Do I have to wear a tuxedo, and must my daughter wear a formal dress?
While many of our attendees go all out and dress quite formally it is NOT a requirement to attend the ball. If together you and your “date” decide you want to wear cargo shorts and matching t-shirts, or maybe matching pj’s and fuzzy slippers then knock your socks off and wear them. The focus and emphasis is NOT on what you wear, but on the memories you create together at an event dedicated to your relationship. However, if you want to dress up and rent a tuxedo or buy a new dress for your date, then go right ahead; after all, it’s your ball and your decision.
Does my ticket price include dinner for the evening?
To keep the evening affordable and ticket prices attainable for everyone, we have chosen to NOT offer dinner. Simply put – Dinner is NOT included. Gentlemen, this is your chance to date your daughter, so rather than tell you where you’re going to sit, whom you’re going to sit with and what you’re going to eat, we’ve left those decisions up to you and your daughter(s). Remember, this is a “DATE NIGHT” with your daughter(s), so make her a part of the process and ask her where she’d like to eat. For some, dinner might be a trip to McDonald’s, while for others it may be Applebee’s, Anthony’s or even Old County Buffet. It’s entirely up to you. 

Will there be any food and beverages available?
Light snacks and refreshments will be available at our convenient “Refreshment Stations” located in the ballroom.  These stations will open at 7pm and remain open until 9pm or until the refreshments run out (whichever comes first).

What kind of dance music can we expect? Can we make song requests?
As a Christian Out-Reach Event you can expect to dance to clean, wholesome dance music spanning several genres and eras. Secular music is selective and limited. Our DJ’s have made a thorough and exhaustive effort to create a list of songs to play for the evening thereby making it virtually impossible to accept any additional requests for specific songs.
What can we expect from the evening?

Foremost, you can expect to have a uniquely unforgettable evening with your daughter, filled with memories that she (and you) will treasure for a lifetime in a CLEAN*, safe and wholesome environment.
Optional photos of the evening by Barrett Brown Photography are available.  Photo booths complete with themed backgrounds will be set-up in the "Atrium" of the TRAC and will be open from 6PM – 9PM.  Photograph packages are available for as little as $30.00.
As a “CLEAN” event the presence of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and/or the use of cigarettes IS NOT permitted. Attendees engaging in such activity will be asked to leave the premises by members of our Security Ministry. Remember gentlemen, your precious daughter is watching you – and so is Jesus, so let’s make every effort to be worthy of their respect, trust, and love by being virtuous, honorable men in their presence.
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Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities 509.736.2086
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