Covid Policy

We are thrilled to bring the Father-Daughter Ball back to our community. We've missed you all and can't wait to spend much-needed time together again. We also realize that events as significant as this raise COVID safety concerns for everyone. Therefore, we wanted to outline our COVID Policy to bring you peace of mind.
As your Event Host, we ask the following:
All attendees and event personnel must have their temperatures taken with a digital thermometer upon arrival.
Hand Sanitizing stations will be available throughout the HAPO Center for use by all.
We will not be forcing you or your children to wear a mask. We will have Safety Masks available for anyone who would feel more comfortable using them.
If you or your daughter(s) feel sick, are running a fever above 99 degrees, or have a persistent cough and sneeze, we ask you to PLEASE STAY HOME. PLEASE DO NOT place us in a position where we have to turn you away at the door and disappoint your daughter(s).
We trust you to make a safe decision for yourself, your daughter(s) and others attending the ball. Therefore, if you attend the ball we trust you are healthy enough to do so.
So, put on your dancing shoes and Let Your Light Shine as you dance the night away with your daughter(s).